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So, what’s a “Clean Freq?”
Clean/klēn/: adjective – to free from undesirables; verb – to make something free of or eliminate
Fre·quent·ly/ˈfrēkwəntlē/: adverb – to do often, religiously
Freak/frēk/: noun – unexpected, abnormal [thing]; verb – to behave unexpectedly
Clean Freak aka Clean Freq
We’re just people who really like to be clean & organized & people who really like to clean & organize.
We’re not just another cleaning company. We will not wear khakis & polos. That’s not attractive or comfortable. We’re just people helping people & we deserve to be comfortable while we service your spaces, don’t we?
We’ll be there to clean, organize, & even brighten your day if we get the chance with ZERO JUDGEMENT. We deserve the same respect.
Our affinity for cleanliness & organization will speak for itself.
Clean Frequently simplifies the getting-a-cleaning-service experience.
We just want to be real people with you because well, we’re real people too – we’re just “Clean Freqs.” It’s important to make you feel at home with us in your spaces. We treat other peoples’ spaces as if they were our own. Cleanliness & organization is our way of life but, we understand that it’s not for everyone. We’re here to help you though, not judge you. Connect with us & find out!
Consistency is key.
We can service your spaces weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or impromptu-ly if you just need a one-time cleaning or project done. We appreciate at least a three day notice to schedule your services if possible. We’re willing to work with anyone’s schedule & as we continue to grow, there will be greater scheduling opportunities with other Clean Freqs.